Online Counseling Services

Counseling Services for Adults in Connecticut and Florida
Counseling for International Expats

Blue Coral Counseling is delighted to exclusively offer online counseling.

Individual Sessions

Individual Counseling Sessions are 50-60 minutes long. The number of sessions needed will depend on your goals and the obstacles you are facing. I try to make our work together as efficient. We can discuss this in our first session.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on unhealthy or irrational thoughts related to ourselves and the world around us, as well as the unhealthy thinking patterns that we have fallen into. CBT seeks to first identify those unhealthy thoughts and cognitive patterns, then to challenge them so we can begin to unravel the thoughts and patterns that are keeping us stuck and learn how to replace them with healthier and more reasonable alternatives. At the same time, focus is also placed on recognizing and intentionally changing unhealthy behavioral patterns that are reinforcing our irrational beliefs. Cognitions, thinking patterns, irrational core beliefs and unhealthy behavioral patterns all have a hand in creating and effecting our emotions. Through identifying and learning about the unhealthy and/or irrational patterns, beliefs, and behaviors we have ingrained into our lives we can start to break them down and rebuild them.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy focuses on resolving our past traumas. Our brain is able to naturally process through most of the information it receives everyday during REM sleep. However; when we experience something traumatic, our brain and nervous system experiences sensory overload, which prevents healthy brain processing, and the traumatic event becomes lodged within the brain exactly as it was received. This traumatic memory can go on to effect us and manifest in our lives in a variety of ways, until we successfully help the brain to fully process it. EMDR therapy utilizes a type of bi-lateral stimulation (tapping, in this case) to open and connect the memory neural pathways in the brain that allow processing to occur. We go back to focus on the traumatic memory and utilize bi-lateral stimulation in order facilitate the brain in successfully processing the memory. This results in the memory simply being a memory, it is no longer tied to a traumatic response or a nervous system trigger.

Policies & Fees


My fee is $185 per hour. Sliding scale fees can be discussed.

The previous session must be paid before the next session can take place. Payments can be made online through a secure portal (Stripe or Alma) by credit card.


Online Counseling | CT | International

Connecticut and Florida: I am an in-network provider with Optum, United Healthcare, Oxford Health, Oscar, United Healthcare Student Resources, UMR, All Savers, and Harvard Pilgrim. I am also in-network with Aetna, Nippon, Meritain, and Cigna.

  • Please note I am not paneled with Medicaid.

If I am not a provider with your insurance, I am able to provide you with a “superbill” (itemized receipt) that you may submit to your insurance company yourself. However, I cannot guarantee any reimbursement and it is 100% up to the client to see if their insurance will accept and reimburse for sessions with Blue Coral Counseling.

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you will be responsible for paying the full session fee. This is because I typically have a waiting list of clients who would have otherwise filled the session time.

Online Counseling Tips

Online Counseling only requires a few things:

Online Counseling TIpsReliable Internet

A strong internet connection is necessary for online counseling to be effective. Please make sure that all other tabs are closed out on your device and that no one else is using your internet for streaming or playing games, as this uses a large amount of bandwidth. If your home internet fails, mobile data can also work in a pinch.

A Quiet Space

Counseling is meaningful work. You deserve absolute confidentiality during our session. Please make sure you have a quiet and private space available for sessions. Using headphones can also help protect the confidentiality of our sessions.

Ready to get started?

Reach out today for more information or to schedule an online counseling session.